Saturday, April 17, 2010

DE Training Day Two

Friday, all day, in Madison… and Bill Myers’ turn to write the blog, despite third person references…

Mike Schenk started us with a CUNA Economics take on the financial downturn. This
high level view is presented with impressive Midwestern warmth and charm.

Bill Myers presented the REAL Solutions system and strayed through the wide fields of CU innovation. Will you be attending the REAL solutions webinar for DEs on April 27, 2010 at 1:00 PM EST?

Democracy in action; the group voted: no more rabbit jokes.

Jennifer Kuhn pitched in with an interactive History of the Credit Union Movement and Structure of the CU affiliates. A photo of Jen's father on a John Deere Tractor stands in for the traditional team of CU Fathers, Chuck Eikel and Bill Herring.

Jen uses cow-based rewards to motivate future DEs to fill in the history. It's a sly presentation technique that lets the participants do the heavy lifting. Jen shows a condensed (eleven minute) video of the system structure. It was all very moving.

A new session, Hot Topics with Tom Decker and Mike Schenk, was introduced for DE 2010. The group identified the top 13 issues for Credit Unions and brainstormed solutions that DEs could offer.

The Development Issue Skits, as always were wonderful.
- Leading the pack was an outstanding Gilligan's Island show with Hoeland Bank, a fetching Ginger, pigtailed MaryAnn, a tall skipper, and of course, little buddy Gilligan himself.
- The revised Survivor managed to NOT kick anyone off the island.
- Green CU created Abuelita Sandy.
- Credit Union featured mentor Claire Ippoliti as a drooling child visiting a CU office with her mom.
- Who Wants to be a Millionaire turned asset development into a game show… while featuring a Mentor category: Anthony La Creta, evil regulator; Claire Ippoliti, convict; Jen Kloepping, victim of abusive dog, Julie Gee, child labor victim; and Mike Ray, double KGB agent.
Every group hits at least five development issues and for the first time in memory, not a single instance of cross-dressing.

The youtube video Miniature Earth created a more somber mood. New visions of the globe opened eyes wide, though with some tears.

In the evening, at Frida's (Kahlo, eyebrow portraits on the wall), the DE group met upstairs where we were joined by DEs and WOCCU Directors, Marlene Shiels and Ron Hance. At last call, B Myers was left at the table with 3 half-empty pitchers of Margaritas and a bill. Though this is a quiet DE group, they dominated the Salsa dance floor.

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